Date(s) - 05/03/2020 - 07/03/2020
12:00 am
Category(ies) No Categories

The Jo Jackson dance company is back with its annual dance showcase extravaganza! Around 450 BC, pre-sophist philosopher, Empedocles of Acragas said that all physical matter is composed of four basic elements: earth, water, wind and fire. The human body, as part of the physical world, is no exception to this natural composition and, this year, JJDC explores these elements and the balance that must remain between them – and how better to do so, but through dance!
Join the Jo Jackson dancers along with some of East London’s finest entertainers in a breathtaking showpiece like never before! With each natural element making a physical appearance on the Guild Theatre stage, the show promises a visual and sensational delight for the whole family. They live inside of us, they give us life – each so vast, yet each so vital to our very beings: are you ready to brave the elements?